About your hip pain and treatment options.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting over 20 million people in the US alone.1 Explore your treatment options if you are living with osteoarthritis and see if you are a candidate for hip replacement surgery using ARVIS®.

How your hip works.

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint and is the body’s second-largest weight-bearing joint (after the knee). The ball of the joint, which is at the top of the bone in your upper leg (the femur), is called the femoral head; and the socket created by the hollow of your pelvis is called the acetabulum.

A layer of cartilage tissue covers the femoral head and lines the socket of the pelvic bone. A healthy hip and healthy cartilage absorb stress and allow the ball to glide easily in the socket.

Common Causes

Common causes of hip pain include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post traumatic arthritis due to injury, and avascular necrosis (AVN), which is bone tissue that has died due to lack of blood supply. As the cartilage wears away, the protective lining between the bones is lost, causing painful arthritis to develop and restricting motion in your hip. Other factors contributing to hip pain include age, genetics, excessive weight gain, and injury.

What are my treatment options?

Depending on your diagnosis and the severity of your knee arthritis, your treatment options may include:


Physical Therapy


Weight Loss

(If appropriate)

Hip replacement surgery

Hip replacement surgery.

If conservative treatments have not been effective for your hip pain, talk to your doctor about total hip replacement using ARVIS. It may be time to consider hip replacement surgery when arthritis limits your everyday activities like sleeping, walking, and bending and when you get little pain relief from anti-inflammatory drugs or physical therapy.

Hip replacement surgery involves the removal of arthritic bone ends and damaged cartilage and replacing them with prosthetic implants designed to replicate the hip joint.

Hip replacement surgery with ARVIS®.

Before surgery, ARVIS attaches to your surgeon’s surgical helmet or headband. Once your surgeon gains exposure to the joint, they will attach trackers to your hip. ARVIS uses infrared cameras to locate the trackers thereby letting the computer know where your hip is in space. Your surgeon will see an overlay of real-time surgical guidance information on the operating room table allowing him or her to set the instrument guides in the optimal position for your unique hip.

How it works

Step 1

The surgeon will remove the worn head of the thighbone and replace it with a metal or ceramic ball mounted on a long metal component

Step 2

The metal stem is placed firmly down into the center of your thighbone

Step 3

The hip socket will then be sized, and a metal cup will be attached to the bone

Step 4

A medical-grade polyethylene (plastic) insert is then snapped into the acetabular component. The ball and insert are designed to glide together to replicate the hip joint

  1. https://www.arthritis.org/getmedia/e1256607-fa87-4593-aa8a-8db4f291072a/2019-abtn-final-march-2019.pdf